Apply LED large screen on the cinema screen! This is an important scenario evolution direction of LED display industry in recent years. Especially under the background that the application of LED large-screen virtual production technology has become "popular", the industry confidence of LED screen entering the front stage "movie viewing" market continues to increase. From budding to thriving, LED movie screens need to establish their own "right to speak" The development of the LED movie screen market has never been a "technical" problem. According to the industry, on the one hand, the cost of LED movie screen has an impact on the market competitiveness; on the other hand, the inertia and barriers of the traditional screen market have an impact on the expansion of LED movie screen. These two points, especially the latter, are the "main obstacles" to the real popularization of LED movie screens. For example, at present, if LED movie screens want to enter the cinema, they need to obtain international DCI certification. Although DCI certification is a non-mandatory standard initiated by a series of Hollywood production companies, its wide application in the industry has made it a de facto industry standard. DCI's requirements for the movie screen system are mainly divided into two aspects: the first is the display effect, and the second is copyright protection. It is the latter that gives Hollywood studios the "right to define rules" for projection and display systems. "We are technically advanced, but we are backward in terms of rules." People in the cinema line equipment industry pointed out that not only LED film screens and laser technology projection projectors, but also domestic enterprises and markets are restricted by Hollywood DCI and other standards. Especially as a new technology category, the "scientificity" of DCI certification for led screen needs to be further evaluated. For example, the screen effect and size of the large movie screen projected by the traditional projector are subject to the brightness of the projector, so there are "certifications" for screens of different sizes, such as 10 meters and 7 meters. However, the led screen is spliced, and its picture size has "building block growth"-still using 2K, 10 meters, or 4K, 20 meters of such application certification, which does not conform to the technical rules of LED display. At the same time, in terms of display effect, the controllability, brightness level, color coverage and energy saving of LEDs are more powerful. LED technology can also provide higher resolution density on the movie screen, provide naked-eye 3D effect, not only can achieve the traditional "small black room" viewing mode, but also can achieve excellent visual experience in bright environment.. For these characteristics, the existing film screen certification standards are out of date. Therefore, many people in the industry believe that the development of LED movie screen needs to establish a new certification technology system that conforms to the law of LED display technology and excellent display effect characteristics. For example, if 8K movie screens are to be popularized now, and support for better naked-eye 3D effects is required, then LED display technology is likely to "win" in comparison with projection projectors.